Breaking down boxes in the food pantry. |
Today we spent our first full day at the food pantry in Gate City. At first, we all worked together to pack bags of produce, and then we were split up into several smaller groups and given assignments. Most of us worked on packing the bags of food that would then be distributed to those in need. Each client received a bag of food from the USDA, a bag of salvaged food, a bag of produce, a bread, a drink, and a can of ravioli (if there were children in the house under the age of sixteen). Bradley and Drew helped the clients who came into the pantry load the groceries they were picking up into their cars.
Some of the volunteers at the food pantry prepared lunch for us. We were treated to pinto beans and corn bread... a southern staple familiar to most of our team.
Enjoying break time on the couches. |
After we finished our work at the food pantry, we returned to The Manor and most of us took a much needed afternoon nap. Around 4:00 PM, Dietrich left us to return to Blacksburg so that he could go to work in the morning. When dinnertime rolled around, we decided to fix breakfast! We had pancakes, eggs, and bacon for dinner.
Drew and Kim volunteered to be our pancake chefs. Notice the Mickey Mouse pancake. |
During our team devotion time this evening, a large majority of the team thought it would be a good idea to pile together onto a single couch. However, Krista and I thought the better of it, and both of us had a couch to ourselves.
Devotion time seating. |
Tomorrow we plan on going back to the food pantry for a second day of work. Please continue to pray for our safety, and that we could be an encouragement to the other volunteers who work there regularly. Please pray for a couple of our team members who are getting over colds or who aren't feeling completely up to par. Additionally, please begin to pray for the weather on Thursday when we plan to go back to our worksite and finish our work on the living room floor in the mobile home. The work will be a lot easier if we are able to cut the laminate flooring out of doors.
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